Friday, May 22, 2009

Megan's last days of school.

School has ended and the last days are over. We had a great year with lots of memories with new and old friends.

Megan and Chase getting an award for being on the Honor Roll

On the last day of school Megan and friends came to the house and spent over an hour looking at their year books and signing them and adding more paper so they could write more. They have had a great year. Our house has been one of the hang out places and I have loved getting to know all of these kids. There is even one who calls me mom and wants to be adopted into our family---It's Great!

1 comment:

Hallman Family said...

I can't get over how much Megan looks like you Jen! She is just Beautiful...Dave you better be ready with the bat (or Gun) :)for when she turns 16!