Friday, March 27, 2009

I am back in the blogging world.....

Hopefully I can stay caught up with my blog. I have been so unmotivated lately and last night at bunko I got remotivated!! (Big thanks to Gretchen, Lainee and Dana!!!) They have published thier whole year of blogging into a book and it is AMAZING!. She doesn't even have to scrapbook anymore and the journaling is done.. Hallalulia! I am going to try this I wish I could go back and put posts of the whole year last year but I think I will just start with this year and move forward...who has the time to go back.


Hallman Family said...

ok, so you will have to show me how to do this. What a great idea!

Davis' said...

great idea. I look forward to keeping up with you guys!